News from Vavuniya Claretians

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Two new members have been assigned to the Vavuniya Claretian community. Fr. Joseph Jeyaseelan CMF has been appointed as the Superior of the community while Fr. Jenis Coonghe CMF was assigned as the assistant director of VAROD and the director of the boys’ home. Frs. Christy John CMF and Robert Jacob CMF are continuing their same responsibilities as the director of VAROD and the director of CBR program, respectively.
The Annual Sports meet, Exhibition & Aesthetic Fiesta – 2017 of VAROD was held on the 21st and the 22nd of April, 2017. Nearly 400 beneficiaries together with 71 staff members took part in different sports events. The community also organized the ‘Aesthetic Fiesta’ on the 21st night in which most of the differently abled beneficiaries showcased their God given talents.
Centers’ Day Celebrations and “Arunodayam 2” book releasing were held at VAROD on the 12th of August, 2017. Mr. V. Subramaniam, the President of NPCODA (Northern Province Consortium of the Organizations for the Differently Abled) was the chief guest of the occasion while priests, religious, staff and beneficiaries of VAROD were also present. The releasing of the book “Arunodayam 2” which contains interesting sharing of experiences by the beneficiaries of VAROD was a highlight of the event.
The beneficiaries of VAROD also showed their talents in different other events: winning prizes in a football tournament, winning prizes in trade fair of products by the differently abled persons, and being recognized at Tamil Paralympics event.

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