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The Claretian Week of the Dependent Delegation of Sri Lanka

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Among many formative programmes of Sri Lankan Delegation, ‘the Claretian week’ holds a significant trait in the growth of the students. This year it became more significant by connecting it with the Jubilee celebration of 25 years of Claretians presence in Sri Lanka. The Claretian week was celebrated from 28th of March to 3rd of April 2016 with the participation of all the Claretian students of the delegation. The theme selected for this year was: Claretian General Chapter Documents during Post-Conciliar Period.
From 28th-30thMarch, the students had their community level programmes including study sessions, sharings and group discussions on the theme and on following two days, time was spent to personalize all what they grasped from their study sessions and then to prepare an individual presentation in any form, to be exhibited on the last day. As a result, the members could witness some wonderful creative outcome on the last day.
The delegation level programme was held on 2nd and 3rd of April. All the students and formators from different formation houses gathered at St. Claret Seminary, Kattuwa. All the participants were blessed by the presence of Fr. S. Jesudoss CMF, the Director of Claretian Spirituality Centre in Vic, Spain who gave the key note address. It was a breathtaking sharing wherein he highlighted the transition of actions and missions that took place in the Congregation under different themes of General chapters. He, in addition combined all those changes with the life and Charism of Fr. Claret and the Congregation.
The members also had a great chance during the programme to listen to Fr. Leo Dalmao, the General Prefect of Formation, via Skype technology. His encouraging words made all the participants to energetically fulfill their Claretian vocation. This coming together was also coloured by many other programmes like different input talks, joint prayer sessions, discussions, games and some sports events. The culmination of the week was marked with a colourful cultural show in which all the students under different groups performed their skits using their talents and creativity. All had a joyful evening and at the end, prizes were also given to the winners of the quiz competitions conducted earlier.

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