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Reports from Claret Nivas Community

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Conferring Of Ministries: On December 8th, 2018, the Solemnity of Immaculate Conception of Mary, the Claret Nivas community arranged the conferring ministries of Lector and Acolyte. Six students, namely: Derrick, Harold, Joseph, Ken, Nelson and Rehuel were installed as Lector, while five students, namely: Antony, Desmenraj, Desmond Croos, Rajasekar and Selexon were installed as Acolyte at the chapel of Claret Nivas, Kandy. The occasion was graced by the conferring prelate, His Lordship Most Rev. Dr. Pierre Nguyen Van Tot, Apostolic Nuncio to Sri Lanka.
Parents’ Gathering: Parents also play important role in the formative process of the missionaries. To make them aware of their role in this process by a lived experience in the formative community, the Claret Nivas community organized a two-day program for the parents of the students who are studying at Claret Nivas, Kandy. The programme was held on the 8th and 9th of December, 2018. Parents also had the chance to witness the ceremony of conferring the ministries. The two-day program included common prayers, Eucharistic celebration and adoration, inputs on different themes related Christian family life, vocation and formation in the Claretian Congregation today, an exchange of ideas on formation, and light moments with cultural entertainment, etc. The parents were highly appreciative of the formation work of the formators as well as the hospitality extended.

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