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First Profession and the Renewal of Vows

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On the 8th of September, 2018 five novices made their first profession and fifteen students renewed their religious vows for another year at Eucharistic celebration held at St. Claret seminary, Kattuwa, Negombo. Fr. George Hoff, the provincial consulter of German province presided over the Eucharist and accepted the vows. Novice, who made their first vows are: Harold Raca Tan and Rehuel Waclin, who are from the Philippines, Ken Omondi and Joseph Sevanyana from St. Charles Lwanga Delegation and Alveenas Ithayaraj from Sri Lanka. This occasion was attended by parents and relatives of some students, Claretian confreres of the Delegation and other well wishes.
On the same day, Stu. Kitnan Rubeshan at Claret Bhavan, Karumathur, Stu. Alveenas Rojes, at Theology house, Manila and Studs. Vinoraj, Vergen and Venansius at the provincial house, Wurzburg renewed their religious vows for another year.

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