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Entrance to the Novitiate

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On the 7th of September, five postulants from St. Joseph Vaz Independent Delegation began their novitiate experience at Casa St. Claret novitiate house in Kurunegala.

The five of them are: Sahayam Livintan Kanjush, Davin Justin Selvaraj, Mariyathasa Ajeethkumar, Christhunathan Kiresiyan, and Sathiyaseelan Antony Jeyaraj

They hail from the dioceses of Mannar, Chilaw and Batticaloa. All of them have completed their philosophical studies in Madurai, India prior to entering this stage of formation.

The initiation rite was presided on behalf of the Major Superior by Fr. S.M.S. Satheesh, Delegation Consultor and Prefect of Economy.

Fr. S. Maria Arul serves as the Novice Master.

It is an important moment for the Delegation since this is the first batch of novices the Delegation has after becoming a Major Organism in 2019.

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