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A new delegation team for Sri Lanka

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On 5th of April, 2016, Fr. Calistus Joseph, the provincial superior of German province announced the newly appointed members for the Delegation council of the dependent delegation of Sri Lanka. The new team consists of four members, namely: Fr. Rex Constantine as the Delegation superior, Fr. Royestan Jayaraj as the Delegation consulter, Fr. Solomon Nirmalan as the Delegation econome and Fr. Danushka Silva as the secretary. The team commenced their responsibilities on 1st of May, 2016 with a prayer service led by Fr. Provincial. The delegation is highly grateful to the former council member, namely: Fr. Rohan Dominic, the Delegation superior, Fr. Satheesh, the econome and Fr. Jude Behin, the secretary for their hard labour for the betterment of the delegation and the Congregation.

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