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Claret Nivas Celebrates 25 Years of Forming Missionaries

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On November 6, 2019 Claretian Missionaries in Sri Lanka celebrated the 25th year anniversary of Claret Nivas the formation community in Kandy.  It began with a solemn Eucharistic Celebration gracefully presided by Rev. Fr. Jeyaseelan, Cmf, the newly appointed Major Superior of the Independent Delegation of St. Joseph Vaz. The theme of the whole celebration was: “Celebrating with joy and gratitude”.  A good number of Claretian priests who passed through this formation house attended the celebration. Several religious priests, sisters and students from Kandy area and diocesan priests including the Rector of the National Seminary of Our Lady of Lanka accepted our invitation and joined the celebration. It culminated by a fellowship program in which everybody enjoyed the dinner and encounter.

Likewise, the program was taken into a second part whereby the Claretian family joined together to celebrate as a local community. The gathering was colored by singing, sharing and dancing. Indeed it was a joyful and remarkable moment for everyone to commemorate and celebrate the blessings of God showered upon Claret Nivas Community as it continuously forming students for twenty five years to be vibrant and well equipped Claretian Missionaries. Missionaries formed here in this house are also participating in the universal mission of the Congregation both in Africa and America. At present this formation community is having members from eight countries.

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